Truly though...I was surprised to find myself more than a little lost without him. I came home from work, walked Anna, fed Anna, fed myself, curled up to a movie...made cookies and ate too much cookie dough (on the side, why do I always do that each and every time I make cookies? I eat so much dough that I make myself ill and lose interest in the cookies themselves. I feel like I've used the cookies, taken their youth, their dough, and now that they are baked and ready to be eaten, I'm lying on the kitchen floor in agony, unable to even look at them. Its shameful. I brought them into this world but now I am too gluttonously full to eat them) Anyway....I did all that, including housework and took a long hot bath...and here I am, at 9:30 PM...staring at my phone....checking and rechecking it to see if its working. Wondering why he isn't calling me. Funny how much I miss him. I didn't expect this.
It's worse in the morning because he walks Anna. Without him here, her little face pops over the edge of my side of the bed, with her big sad brown eyes...pleading with me to get up and please TAKE HER OUT!

She is polite about it ...she never barks or demands in anyway but she doesn't have to. Her eyes say it all... Still....its 6 in the morning.....Seriously Anna, my eyes are still pig slits. I stumble out and try to do a good job at making it fun for her but I can tell its not the same as when Dennis takes her. Then a rabbit darts into view and Anna is off like lightening, with the leash bouncing along behind her and it feels as though most of my right arm is hanging from it's socket after her lunge toward little Cotton Tail...but I could be exaggerating..I've been known to blow things out of proportion..just a tad.
After I catch up with Anna/rabbit killer wanna be and reattach my mangled arm...I'm even more grumpy and poor Anna is not getting the walk she is used to. Sigh. It would seem that both girls in this house are suffering since Dennis went away.
At least we have each other. And chocolate chip cookies. that my phone???