The fact that I am exercising and trying to lose weight would obviously lead to me hurting myself and possibly suffering a set back. Sigh
I do enjoy taking the herbs though. Each tiny white, minty pebble is dispensed in a tube with a mechanism that allows you to release one which you then drop under your tongue. You can't touch them with your fingers. I assume this is because the herbs cause crazy boils and rashes when they come in contact with the skin. Mmmmmmmmmm......? I don't care what it is, as long as it works!
So I was using my husband's work out bands, doing some seemingly simply arm exercises. No big deal. I felt weak and quickly tired but nothing beyond what I considered normal for my current state of total muscle limpness. Little did I know.
Evidently I greatly strained and pulled the muscle running between my shoulder blades on both sides, (I'm thinking these could be my Lats) making any use of my arms and hands very painful. Of course! Typing, washing dishes, eating, even walking and moving my arms side to side..any simple movement that stretches the muscles back there delivers searing hot pain between my shoulders. And after, when I try to rest, there is a burning electrical sensation that runs up to my neck and down my fingertips on the left side. OUCH
3 weeks of this before I look for treatment. I self medicate with every drug I have in my substantial arsenal. Nothing touched it. I tried ice..I tried heat. N O T H I N G helped.
So I went to visit the local Homeopathic MD in my town. Dennis had to translate for me but he seemed happy to in the hopes that I would get some relief (and he would get some sleep).
The Doctor told us that he got his medical license but then he felt that too much emphasis was put on drugs and not on treatment. So he branched off to Eastern medicine and he continues to travel to China yearly to stay current.
So acupuncture needles went in all over my shoulders and back, even one on each ankle and another in my neck. I have done acupuncture before and was always pleased by the relaxing experience and boneless feeling I enjoyed after. My current state is much worse than anything I have done to myself before. Each needle felt like an electrical spark of heat and they never diminished during the 20 minutes I lay on the table. My treating physician explained that there was significant swelling and it may be some time before I felt improved. My life story.
But that is not all. He didn't just stick me and leave me. He prescribed oral herbs to help reduce the inflammation and repair the strain. Also a cream of copper and zinc that Dennis rubs on my back twice a day.
It's day two since my treatment began but I have to honestly say that I feel no improvement, yet. I am really trying to think happy thoughts and dispel the negative ones I automatically feel but still, my back is killing me with every hand and arm movement.