Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sunset over Monaco, Monte-Carlo

Today I am sharing a picture I took last month. Searching through my photo files, I found this and I was instantly transported to the night it was taken.

One evening on my walk with Anna, we came to a opening in the wall and saw this. The street down from us, towards the Olive Tree Garden, has this magnificent view of Monaco over the water. And every day (I mean it when I say every day) the view is breathtaking. No matter the weather, no matter the time of day. Ever time I pass this spot, I am compelled to stop and look at the view. And this night the sun had just just set behind the mountain, lighting the sky on fire.

When I look at this picture I am struck by how rare and lovely each moment of our life can be, because just a few minutes later this moment was gone. If I hadn't been right there, right then, looking in just that spot, I would not have seen it.

Live one moment at a time. And, take the time to look back through the photographs of your mind, savoring the deliciousness.