Sunday, December 19, 2010

To the faithful kind followers

I couldn't help but notice that my blog has had some increased traffic lately. Let me say that it is a true honor to write and have someone read it. I know that many of you are family and long time friends and still some others of you may have clicked on my page completely by mistake...perhaps you were searching for places to find hummingbirds in Rhode Island or researching brain surgeons in your area.

Regardless of how you got here, let me say honestly and from the bottom of my heart,


Just know that each and every time, even if it was only once by mistake, you clicked here and read my foolish words, you are feeding a dreamer and a dream. Right at the top with with poet, painter, dancer and photographer, WRITER is my all time dream to end all dreams.  To write and have others read, to make them laugh and cry and want to read more, that is my dream. To tell you a story that paints the picture so vividly for you, it's as if you stepped right into my mind and you enjoyed the visit.

And to dream, isn't that the best part of life? To hope, to believe huge things of ourselves, of others? I think so. I think to be a dreamer and to encourage one are great achievements.

I hope someday to have the sufficient courage to follow this dream to the end and write a book worthy of each of you. Every time you come here to visit me, you help me believe I could do it. So thank you, each of you and any that may come after this is published. I hope this knowledge won't stem the tide of readers in the hopes that I will shut up but even if that is the case, I am thrilled you came by at all. In fact, I am speechless by your generosity, well...almost speechless....I'd have to stop breathing all together to be speechless.  But close, very very close to speechless because every time I see my reader numbers go up by even one more, I catch my breath.  Thank you everyone. When I started writing here way back in July I never thought anyone would see my words. And yet here you are. Amazing.  What else is possible?

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