"Wanna pack your bags, something small...
take what you need and we'll disappear..
without a trace, we'll be gone, gone
the moon and the stars will follow the car.."
Or in our case, Follow the Train! In 2 more days Dennis and I head North to Paris. What should we do? Where should we go?? There are countless ideas, of course. The challenge is to narrow it down to 3 days and nights and what we can actually manage to see and do.
A few thoughts we have, besides seeing Madame Eiffel at night, day and afternoon is to take a river boat tour down the Seine. Also walking from The Arche de Triomphe down The Champs-Elysees (the most beautiful street in the world). Of course, being that it is close to Christmas time, everything should be lit up even more than "the city of lights" is usually.
I'm having a hard time deciding what to do and where to go. Going for such a brief time feels impossible. I keep packing and repacking and unpacking my things. Mental notes are filling my head, as I try to remember which temperature it will be in each place I will be over the next few weeks and what shoes I will need. Try as I have to avoid it, I'm planning on wearing sneakers in Paris. I know I know, its the worst of the worst but with my feet there simply is no alternative. Its sneakers in Paris or a wheelchair.
Anna is giving me that "its happening again" look. She follows me closely throughout the apartment, right at my heals. I feel like I am being to live up to the title "Worse Pet Owner" by leaving her, yet again. Hopefully once I leave, she won't remember until she sees me again. Funny how that works with animals. It is true that they don't miss us? Or do they just know how to hide it better.
I've downloaded a Paris guidebook (how modern of me) and I've made notes that I have stuck to Dennis' desk and my mirror..with names of places I can't pronounce. What is it going to be like? Visiting a place I've dreamed about since I was nine years old? Will I be disappointed?
Ready or not, City of Lights, here I come.
I'm having a hard time deciding what to do and where to go. Going for such a brief time feels impossible. I keep packing and repacking and unpacking my things. Mental notes are filling my head, as I try to remember which temperature it will be in each place I will be over the next few weeks and what shoes I will need. Try as I have to avoid it, I'm planning on wearing sneakers in Paris. I know I know, its the worst of the worst but with my feet there simply is no alternative. Its sneakers in Paris or a wheelchair.
I've downloaded a Paris guidebook (how modern of me) and I've made notes that I have stuck to Dennis' desk and my mirror..with names of places I can't pronounce. What is it going to be like? Visiting a place I've dreamed about since I was nine years old? Will I be disappointed?
Ready or not, City of Lights, here I come.
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